Exchange in seconds
of accounting data.

Contact us

Current challenges in the settlement between insurers and reinsurers

For decades, the industry has been looking for a reliable, safe and fast solution and has been faced with the following challenges:

in collaboration with

The strong companies at our side

Exchange of accounting data within seconds

RITABLOCK meets this challenge

Uncomplicated automation

Innovation in primary insurers’ accounting

Changes in society have led to changes in the insurance industry. Many areas at insurers have developed innovations. Block-chain-based, digital, automated settlement between insurers and reinsurers is one such innovation for accounting – with low costs and little implementation effort.

Reduction of expenses for the reinsurer

Data transmission and mapping within seconds

Reinsurers face the challenge of receiving accounting data in many structured and unstructured formats. The partly manual processing causes expenses and takes a long time.

Ritablock replaces manual accounting activities. Data transfer and data mapping takes place within seconds – instead of weeks. The savings could benefit insurers and reinsurers.

Easy and profitable access to future technology

“Blockchain” with Ritablock

Blockchain has the potential to sustainably automate and accelerate social and economic processes. In the insurance industry there are still hardly any real use cases. The use of Blockchain in the exchange and structuring of accounting data is a use case that achieves real added value and enormous savings and simplifications.

Einfache und profitabler Zugang zu Zukunftstechnologie

„Blockchain“ bei Ritablock

Blockchain hat das Potential, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Prozesse nachhaltig zu automatisieren und zu beschleunigen. In der Versicherungswirtschaft gibt es noch kaum echte Anwendungsfälle. Der Einsatz von Blockchain beim Austausch und Strukturieren von Abrechnungsdaten ist ein Anwendungsfall, der echten Mehrwert und enorme Einsparungen und Erleichterungen erreicht.

Make an appointment

Standardisation without effort –
fast, safe and structured

Five good reasons

Termin Vereinbaren

Standardisierung ohne Aufwand – schnell, sicher und strukturiert

Fünf gute Gründe

Take your business to the next level

Make an appointment

Increase in speed

Facilitation of standardisation

Reduction of expenses

Arrange a LIVE demo now

Also visit us on LinkedIn, YouTube or ritablock.com


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